All right y'all December finna be a busy month and to paraphrase Hermes: As above, so below. We’re busy and so are the planets as they make their rounds on the wheel this month. We have some touchy, sensitive times and some beautiful, creative and loving moments as well so enjoy every moment this month. You may find yourself seeing the silver lining in the clouds even if that isn’t norm for you. This month is not about trip'n but enjoy'n the end of the year and planning for a great start to 2015.
The month begins with doing those pesky little tasks which require a lot of effort, endurance or discipline. It is also a good time to honor YOU. Get a massage; see your healer; hit the gym, treat yourself.. The social bug will bite a couple of days later and you won’t be as inclined to take care of these things when the festivities move into full swing.
On the 4th, generosity, kindness and impulsivity mark the day. It would be best to avoid buying gifts on this day as you may overspend or end up purchasing items you didn’t intend for yourself, (because y’all know you’ve done it). On the other hand, this is a good time for dating, meeting new people, developing new connections and enjoying the company of others.
On the 5th, Mercury is shake'n his groove thang and letting you know that this is an excellent time to work on developing your intuition, solve problems or gain insight into current projects. For all those students out there, YEAH I'M TALK'N TO Y'ALL, expecting answers or taking finals, today is your day, Contact your financial advisors for transfers and aid and it will pay off. Your mind thought and all the waste cluttering and blocking you had will give you a reprieve.. All that studying and hard work and those papers you had to write and all the financial aid stuff will pay off..
On the 6th, we are blessed to have the Gemini Full Moon rise. For those of you who need connection, insight or wisdom from your higher self or the Divine. This is the time to converse with the higher powers and receive the guidance you need. This is also a powerful time for healing the heart so I encourage you to give yourself the gift of healing at this time. For those of you who are feeling that you are in a good space, this is the time to connect in with loved ones and show them your love and care.
On the 7th and 8th, the Sun becomes conjunct with Mercury helping you to process all those last-minute items on your to-do list. Also you will be cool, calm and collected but you may find that your emotions are triggered at this time more easily than usual. Just know that this is a temporary condition and pay attention to those triggers as they will indicate or lead you to old grievances or grudges that you have not aired. Practicing forgiveness will help you to get this old garbage out of your system once and for all! Cleanse y'all stop holding on to it.. get rid of the fear, the grudge, the this that and the damn other that doesn't honor you...
On the 14th, we have two very beautiful aspects that contribute to the joy and charity of the season. This will mark a time of joyous celebration, charity, love and the enjoyment of the fruits of life. Now to top this off, Venus moves to sextile Neptune and the caring, charitable energy of this day is emphasized to a greater degree. Any and all charitable or creative works are best completed at this time under such auspicious circumstances as these.
On the 20th, tension and desire will be thick in the air. Be careful of rationalizing acts you will later regret. Avoid any situations that could get awkward later on. What tipsy witchy is saying; just be careful about how many drinky poohs you have as sometimes all this love and cheer and what not can put us in a very awkward situation. You’re ex may look good, the boss maybe extra attentive so on and so fourth… Nope keep it under control.
The Capricorn New Moon makes its way onto the stage on the 22nd and brings with it determination, discipline and the resolve necessary to carry through the last drudgery, duties and preparations that need to be completed before Christmas sets in. If you have the time for it, this is actually the ideal time to sit down while you reflect and solidify your goals for the coming New Year.
But y'all finna get your party on 24th & 25th and 26th the love of socialization with the love of food and drink, are going to make this a lovely lovely time. Family affairs should be merrier at this time as this easy-going and fun loving influences takes effect.
Not to mention this is a time of great insight and depth of understanding. We will reflect on holiday's past with our loved ones and remember how special this time truly is.. We will laugh at the games, the quiet times, the presents being wrapped until weeee hours of the morn and the joy of the little ones eyes.. This is what this time brings this is the gift we receive and honor.
Now is the time to purge along with the bags of torn wrapping paper and boxes and bags and bows that which doesn’t serve so that you can walk into 2015 with grace and ease and confidence.
With this full month of December I want to take the time to say this.. This past year we’ve walked many paths together. You’ve been my support my inspiration my teacher and my student.. December 10th I start my own journey across the country and I make my new home in Connecticut. I will be back in LA as often as I can but the east coast is calling and this is a journey I must take.. I love you and am so grateful to you for your unconditional support and acceptance.
Facebook - Maria Saganis
Twitter - @tipsywitchy